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Zee YueN
Composer and Sound Designer
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This project's goal was to create an interactive audio experience that closely tied the player's actions to the score and the world. The player can add musicians to their adventuring party that organically build the diagetic score.
"all Together" Game Demo
Modified Unity tutorial, with audio directly integrated through Unity. Final project for Berklee Game Audio course.
Music and Coding-
Zee Yuen
Sound SFX - Angel Flores
Audio Integration -
Zee Yuen and Angel Flores
Character Sprites -
Milo Fergusson
Quantumine Capture
A twist on classic minesweeper, except with quantum uncertainty and cut cats! Created for Ludum Dare 54
Art by Vico Xue
Score by Zee Yuen
Game and credits available at:
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Given the puzzle elements and outer space aesthetics of this game, I knew synthesizers would suit the score well, matching both the games visual aesthetics as well as the meditative gameplay.
Untitled Game OST
Untitled RPGMaker game soundtrack I worked on with classmates over interterm college session.
This was planned to be an RPG that focused heavily on the characters of a close knit childhood friend group. To convey this, I wrote each character theme to use the same melodic material while varying other aspects such as harmony and instrumentation to highlight what made each of them unique.
FMOD Spaceship Game Sound Setting
FMOD standalone session showcasing originally composed and interactive score, SFX mixture of edited assets and original recordings.
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This project was a practice of parameter rigging and event cues to allow for player interaction with the score. Different scenes are separated with programmed triggers, smoothly transitioning from one setting to the next based on the player's actions.
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FMOD Vertical Score
FMOD standalone session showcasing interactive vertical original score.
This project was a practice of creating a vertical score. The score is split into three stems and tied to parameters that add/remove layers automatically based on the players health, creating dynamic levels of tension.
Unity AngryBots Game Tutorial
Modified "AngryBots" Unity Tutorial. Audio integrated into Unity through Wwise. Original score and SFX
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This project was a culmination of my time learning Wwise at Berklee. It involved creating original music and SFX, as well implementing them into the game engine, such as setting different audio regions within the 3D environment, and programming audio based on the player's interaction with the environment and enemies.
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Similar project to the one above, yet this one was done in Unity. I used similar motifs between the "Undetected" and "Detected" cues to create sense of musical cohesion.
Unity Stealth Game Tutorial
Modified Stealth Game Unity tutorial, with audio and score directly integrated through Unity. Original score, SFX mixture of original recordings and edited assets.
What it takes to becomes one
A single player RPG where the protagonist switches between a cat and human perspective to solve puzzles.
Directed by Vico Xue
Demo available at (
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This game has two worlds that the player can shift between at a moment's notice, and are meant to represent contrasting perspectives of the main character. Therefore, I created two separate cues that both highlighted these differences while also being easily cross fade-able during any point in the score.
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While the game starts with a seemingly innocent and cute aesthetic, the player would unlock more disturbing elements as they completed more levels. I had planned that each level completed would change the hub world's music to subtly become more dissonant and unsettling.
"Deeper Dreamer" Score/SFX WIP
Personal game project, initially created during Ludum Dare 48 Game Jam. Originally created score, SFX mixture of original recordings and edited assets.
Art by Vico Xue
Score/SFX by Zee Yuen
Demo available at:
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